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Spring 2024 - Early Career Chemistry Education Scholarship

Submitted by Olivia Crandell on
Report Period

The Early Career Chemistry Education Scholars (ECCES) are a committee dedicated to the recruitment and networking of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early faculty members (pre-tenure if on tenure track) in chemistry education research. This population is vital to the long-term goals of chemistry education research, and we hope will be the future leaders and contributors to DivCHED.

Information Since Last Report

This committee did not undertake any activities in Fall 2023. In January 2024, we welcome 5 new members to our committee. 

Future Plans

Our Spring meeting will address the following items:

  1. Prepare for BCCE Summer 2024.
    1. Organize the Graduate Student Research symposia
    2. Organize a Birds of a Feather social
    3. Organize an additional social 
  2. Discuss how our committee's strengths can contribute to DivCHED's strategic plan. We are fortunate to have task force "champions" on our committee to provide insights into how we can best do this. 
  3. Work on revisions of our committee's ops manual now that our committee membership has refreshed. 
  4. Consider how we can expand our activities to include networking and professional development outside of conferences. 
Did your committee request funding from DivCHED in the past budget year?
YES: Enter amount received with any comments.

This committee was allocated $300 for 2023, however we did not spend any of it. Our $400 budget request for 2024 was approved. We will discuss how to best apply this allocation for a social at BCCE. 

Report Type