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Recognition Committee Spring 2024

Submitted by Anna Wilson on
Report Period

The mission of this committee is to select a non-active member to receive the award for Outstanding Service to the Division each year.  The award is presented at the Spring National ACS meeting.  Our meetings are by email messages to vote on received nominations.

Information Since Last Report

Since we last met, the committee received only one nomination for the 2024 award and voted to select Irvin Levy as the awardee for 2024.  The award will be presented at the CHED Social Hour at the Spring ACS meeting in New Orleans.

Future Plans

We will again solicit nominations for the 2025 award starting in January 2025.  I also plan to ask for funding to support the awardee at the National meeting for at least one day and night.


We will solicit nominations from the division membership.  Nominated members who are not selected will have their information held over to be considered again next year.

Did your committee request funding from DivCHED in the past budget year?
YES: Enter amount received with any comments.

We received enough to pay for the apple award and engraving the plaque.  Last year's winner was not able to attend the meeting so some funds were used to mail the award.

What were the outcomes of the activities funded by your allocation?

The 2023 winner received the apple and base.

Report Type