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From the Immediate Past Chair, Vicente Talanquer, Fall 2023

Dr. Vicente Talanquer, 2023 DivCHED Immediate Past Chair

This is my last note as part of the Chair Succession, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the Division of Chemical Education who have supported our work in the past three years. When I was first elected to the Chair position, I was not aware of the large number of dedicated volunteers who sustain the activities of the multiple committees in our Division. I want to acknowledge their commitment and passion in building a strong and connected chemical education community. 

I am particularly grateful to Dawn de Carlo and Stacey Lowery Bretz, who showed me the ropes in their roles as Chairs and served as great role models to try to emulate. I would also like to recognize the amazing support from Cathy Middlecamp and Rick Moog, who manage the finances of the Division with a very steady hand. It has also been great to work with Kim (Linnenberger) Cortes, current Chair, and Resa Kelly, elected Chair, who have exciting views about the future of CHED. Last, but not least, I want to thank Heather Johnson, the Executive Assistant for the Division, for all the multiple ways in which she facilitates divisional activities. 

In the past three years, the many CHED volunteers have accomplished a great deal. Besides sustaining the many activities of our diverse committees, the BCCE at Purdue University brought us together in person again to an incredibly successful conference with over 1,300 attendees, led by General Chair Marcy Towns. Many thanks to MaryKay Orgill and Renee Cole, who served as chairs of the Biennal Conference Committee. In this period, the Division also endowed the Pimentel Award with the shared support of the Board of Publications under the leadership of Maria Oliver-Hoyo. This award will continue recognizing the work of outstanding educators who contribute to advancing chemical education in the US and across the world. During this time, the Board of Publications ensured that the operations of the Journal of Chemical Education became fully supported by ACS publication, and the Board of Trustees led by Alex Grushow successfully steered the ACS Exam Institute under the leadership of Kristen Murphy through the difficult times created by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We are living through complex times in which we are facing global socioenvironmental challenges. Chemistry education research and practice are expected to play a key role in helping prepare a diverse pool of individuals who can help us address these issues. This will require major transformations in how we conceptualize and implement chemistry education at all educational levels. I am certain that CHED can steer us through these challenging times by opening opportunities for reflection and paths for action. I look forward to collaborating in these exciting future endeavors.

Vicente Talanquer